Saturday, March 14, 2015

Standing in Shadows (no more) Opening Reception Friday March 13th at Ashe Cultural Art Center

The Standing in the Shadows (no more) Quilt exhibition by the Lydia's Purple Cloth Quilting Community will be seen at Ashe Cultural Art Center located at 1724 Oretha Castle Haley, in New Orleans from March 13-Apri 24, 2015.

The Art Center is opened Mon-Sat 9_6pm for futher information please call 504-645-6168 or go to

Art by Jenn Brigham, pen & ink

Then commencing May 9th, these quilts will join a bevy of oher quilters and fiber artists in the  "Lydia's 1st Purple Moon: And the Lioness Spoke" exhibition at the space...Rhythm & Hues @1501 located at 1501 Canal Street  in the historic Texaco building converted into senior living through the genrousity of HRI Properties & the franchise owners of Dunkin' Donuts.   That exhibition will run May 9th-June 20th.

The LPC Quiltting Community classes are regularly held every Tuesday evening from 6-8p and opened to the public.  No experience required. Come and join us as you can! 

"Standing in the Shadows of Me~ Laura Comisky Broders
Susan Charles, artist
It is Finish When its Done"~Monica Paul
"Afro Fleur~Felicia R. Brown
"Everything has a Purpose"~ Irma White


"Listen... Africa is Calling"~ Susan Charles

"Bella's Beau"~ Felix Renee

(l to r): " I am Woman"~ Ann Cooper , "Women of the World"~Lynda La Fleur

(l to r)"Pathways to Revelations"~Carolyn Robinson, "Created by God"~ Karen Demaris Douglas, "Flourish: Step Out of the Shadows Speak Love & Truth to Self"~ Felicia R. Brown,

The Exchange: He has made Me Glad~ Claudia D. Washington

My Angel~ Sylvia Barbara Simpson

Microcosm of My Life~Sasha Newstate
"The Ashe Quilt" ~ Karel Sloane-Boekbinder & Merry Treadwell
Cely Pedesceaux & Merry Treadwell