Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Speak to Me! Talking Drums installed at the Bienville-Basin Development Today

Seak to Me: New "Talking Drums" art
Our second wave of "Talking Drums" trash receptacles being installed in the renovated Bienville-Basin Development today!

The Grand Opening is Friday August 29th at 2pm

Jessica Strahan, artist

(l to r): Bryan Brown, LaBertha McCormick and Thelma Bowers



LaBertha McCormick, artist

Thelma Bowers, artist

Previous "Drummers":
She_Brie Cousin, artist
(l to r): Jenae Wilson, Sheila Pipps, Ransom McCormick, Karel Sloane-Boekbinder, Sha_brie Cousin
On top of Drums: Gailene St. Amont
Karel Sloane-Boekbinder's drum installed in the BBD at Bienville & Marais Streets
Sheila Pipps' drum installed at Marais & Iberville Streets
Jenae Wilson, artist

I just Stumbled on This from Ten Years Ago.

Katrina Exhibit Opens At Moses Cone

9:56 AM, Aug 28, 2007   |   0  comments
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Greensboro -- "Recovering My Soul: Reinventing My Life past Katrina" will hang at The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital from Aug. 28- Sept. 30. "Recovering My Soul…" features the works of Bennett College Artist in Residence Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney as well as Vita Jones, Sterline Ritchie Lacey, Marcia Walls, Kichea Burt and Karen Bethea and featured pieces from a traveling exhibit on Katrina.

"One thing I have discovered as this story unfolds is the overwhelming number of people who have something to say," Mooney says. "Not only citizens of the Gulf Coast living elsewhere, but friends, family and others who stood by in horror and worry for their loved ones who where valiantly trying to survive those tragic days."

This exhibit features about a dozen pieces of art, including photography. It is the latest exhibit in the Community Art program, which displays the works of a different artist from the community each month. The works are displayed along the main hall off of patient admitting on the east side of the hospital.

"Art and healthcare are a natural marriage," Shawn Houck, Corporate Events Specialist says. "Healthcare can heal the body and art can heal the spirit."

There will be an observation at Bennett College Wednesday night, August 29 at 6:30. It's called "Katrina: A Time of Prayer, Hope & Victory."
WFMY News 2