Sunday, June 6, 2010


By Jacquelyn Hughes Mooney 10©
An apple fell away from the tree... She can listen to the secrets of the night..
And embrace the love...
Holding court regally & with compassion Like the cooling waters in the shielded cup of her hand… And shifted the sorrows that sifted gratefully between her fingers.
Returning to a place where it belong, as this was not it... Apples fall away from the tree
That can’t be
Won’t be...
That one indeed rolled away from what they thought...
They think...
May think… We think... She is to be.
Or could not be Be... According to them...
One apple rolls away..
While the branches continue to grow…
And then another falls away...
Falling a little further away…
And the one by one...
As time & branches stretch out beyond the borders....
Away from what it thought to be… Had to be...
Told to be…
Be... That one became to be the one...
Who listen secretly to the secrets of the night.
And held the wind in her might...
Cupping the love like cooling waters
While the sifted sorrows shifted ...
Falling gratefully between her fingers returning to the place where it belonged...
She had the moxie without an available proxy...
To roll away while the branches continue to grow...
And brought forth with her... The very best of what she had to be... While time stretched out beyond the boundaries...
Of what she thought to be…
Had to be…
Told to be… Be
All Rights reservedJHM10©

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Dat baby...

Go Saints!
OMG We did it!

Now for some needed shut eye. Winning the Super Bowl is exhausting!

Ok now my newest graddaughter Tessa is a bonafide Saits baby! Gan run T!

Investing rightly

The first sign of a nervous breakdown is when you start thinking your work is terribly important~ Milo Bloom

What are you investing your time in?

Work is certainly important. Only those who are incredibly wealthy would tell you that money is of no importance. Without question, we need to work to provide for our families and ourselves. Most people don't stop to really embody the idea that work is not the most important thing, however. What is of more importance is family, friends, and investing your time in those relationships. Next time you find yourself toiling over your notes for an upcoming meeting, contemplate the message you are sending. Think about what is truly a necessity in your life and actively invest your time in those things.

It's Catching...

Bluesman at Cafe Congress photo All Rights ReservedJHM

Attitudes arecontagious. Is yours worth catching?

What kind of emotional atmosphere are you creating?

Positive people are almost always natural leaders and motivators. People gravitate towards them, just as they avoid individuals who continually mope or complain. Take a look at your own attitude. Is it one that others would want to emulate in their own lives? Instead of jumping to throw in a negative comment, try to think of something good to say instead. By no means hold in your feelings, but remember that no one likes to be surrounded by constant pessimism. Attitudes are contagious so fill your environment with happiness, enthusiasm, and optimism!